Monday 15 October 2012

Social impacts and threats of IT

The social impacts of IT consist of many things such as: 

Social networking is a huge impact on us it controls us the  The impacts of this are that we are own our own and lacking social skills we not getting fresh air. This could also increase bullying at school for not socializing as much as other children.This can have a bad threat to it as well though, you can meet some strange people on the internet and can cause some serious problems for you and your family.

While on the laptop/computer (etc..) we are not exercising enough, sitting around all day is making us gain weight, this can cause serious health risks especially with our heart. Being on the computer can strain your posture as well curving your back causing spinal problems when you are older. This can also cause eye problems meaning you may have to have glasses. A bad threat to this impact is that you can get some serious heart problems from being overweight mainly heart attacks. 

Online shopping is usually considered a good thing  to customers but to small villages with small corner shops it isn't. Online shopping causes less customers to come into the small shops on a Sunday or any day meaning that the small shops loose money meaning many people lose their job. Also for customers if shops shut down there is less choice for them to go to. A big threat to this is that there are going to be less and less shops to choose from and its going to make people more lazy which will cause health risks.

Economic effects consist of people losing and gaining jobs. Which is good if you know a lot about the IT industry but not so good if you don't know a lot. The more jobs that are being created the more taxes are paid into the Government and less benefits are paid out.  Threats that i could think of for this one would be that loads of people will loose there job so the unemployment statistic will increase a lot which means more benefits will have to be paid out for 'jobs seekers allowance' and 'child benefits' if your out of work for a long time.

The Environmental impacts consist of electricity usage within the making and disposing of the computers and the time spent on the internet or even if you leave the computer/laptop on standby its using power increasing your electricity bills. A threat in this category would be that the CO2 levels will increase in the world if everyone is making or disposing of computers and if people leave there computers on standby instead of turning the power supply off completely.   

 The Legal impacts of IT are obvious, Copyright and Plagiarism These can happen all over the internet EG: Music download, Film downloads and just copying information straight from a website. A massive threat for this one is that a lot of fraud will be taking place and a lot of people will be arrested for illegally downloading music/films. 

Ethical impacts can be simple things from your phone number to your bank details to your address anything that's information on you. The impact of this is that anyone can find out what you're doing or where you are they can find out anything about you. Threats in this region would be that if your trying to hide something in your past like a drunken mistake or a marriage that should of never happened people can find out you cannot have a secret from someone if you've signed papers or if they have any of your personal details. 

The last thing i could find was the unequal access to a computer or to the internet. Not everyone one can afford broadband if they live in a LEDC country (less economically developed country) or if they just don't get paid enough to afford it. Older people cannot get the hand of technology and do not use it.

There are many bad ways that people use the internet even if you think that they are good at the time think about it in the long run and what you can do to prevent these things from happening.

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